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Weekend wrap up.
The best laid plans..... and all that.
I was up and ready to pack up a picnic and stuff and head to the camp for the big celebrations. Had two phone calls from friends asking if we were going. Well... RebelTweeny wasn't getting out of bed. At 11AM I checked on the Rebel who said she hadn't slept well, and didn't really feel like getting out and about. She has her good days and bad days. She needed a quiet day at home yesterday. So by the time this was all figured out... it was mid day and so went that opportunity. A call came in from the friend who was hosting the music jam. They had to cancel - a funeral in the family out of town. I had a nice quiet day at home. IT really was the perfect summer day. I ended up scrapbooking while listening to *my* music. I completed over 14 pages of pictures from the 50th birthday party. I am impressed with myself.
RebelTweeny was in an "I want I want" mode... of which I finally said... "enough!" I explained the facts of life to her about my money. Car repair, furnace repair for A/C, drugs for the Rebel, new glasses for the Rebel and how I was going to be lucky to have cash flow for Christmas shopping and never mind back to school. So she went to harass her dad instead. Rebel was feeling better by the end of the day. However she's in major drama with her now former best friend. Things are turning out for her as she was told by someone at the hospital. "You'll be surprised by who sticks with you. And you'll be more surprised by those who don't get it." Her best friend doesn't get it. She doesn't spend any time with Rebel at all. Rebel is hurt by this and has had enough of watching this friend walk right by our house and not stop in, or call. She has told her friend to take a hike. It would seem now that Rebel isn't the social butterfly and party organizer and general enabler for this friend, that friend is not interested in being there for the Rebel. Tough to watch. Rebel's temper hasn't softened as much as I had expected with her condition. I think they are both behaving like 12 years old. But I am staying out of it The friend sent me a message to my Facebook profile asking me to intervene... Not if I value my life I won't And I have to agree... the friend is too wrapped up in a boyfriend - regular sex with her beau seems to highlight her reports to Rebel, as does drinking a lot; neither of which impresses Rebel too much.
The niece is here and seems to be a decent kid in spite of what I have been told by the sister in law. Rebel has been bonding with her. She made an interesting observation about the SU . "I haven't seen him for more than two minutes since we got to your place!"
He's back in his cave. Plus ca change...
Hey M,
sounds like you had a grand afternoon. I am glad to hear Rebel's day turned around for her too.
Too bad about the friend. It definitely is surprising who will and won't stick by you. I hope they can work it out (the key word being "they")
Maybe the lecture about behavior sunk in for the niece or at least she has a bit of awareness about Reb's condition that has her on better behavior.
I hope you holiday is going well.
The drama continues with Rebel and her friend. It's quite high drama. But Rebel is feeling hurt and depressed that her friend isn't understanding why she does and doesn't do what she used to do.
"I don't have time for this mom" is her response.
Nice peaceful day here... mostly. (-:
Oh. Give our Rebel girl a big hug from me. Tell her I changed my photo on chat too, per her suggestion {read order}.
How are RebelTweeny and Cousin doing?
SU showing his face at all? What a Chickenshit he is.
love and hugs,
~ b
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