Sunday, December 23, 2007


I just had an update from the hospital.

She was stable over night. They have to run a bunch of processes today. Have to remove a balloon shunt in her leg, they are a bit concerned with her kidney function and will be on top of that. She coughed and moved a little - so they are wondering about her sedation levels. ( that movie, Awake, came out at the WRONG time, for my liking... oy!) Her meds were all stable and that's good.

They are mildly cautiously positive.

We will go see her later today. But they won't be taking her out of sedation too too much.

Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray.


Calories and Coffee said...

I'm so glad the news is positive. All our prayers are going out to you guys.

Annie said...

Glad things are sort of stable. Prayers will be continuing, and I will post an update on the Relationship Board, too.

Many of the older vets remembered you, M....and even the newer vets are offering prayers.

Rudy said...

I am also keeping my contacts on the Sacred Heart Parish Prayer chain up to date.

Lots of love for you both.