Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

1. If you don't want to follow the rules (tell me where you are going please, tell me what time you'll be home, and tell me who you're with) you don't get to use the computer. I end up suffering too because I have to hide the mouse from EVERYbody! sigh

2. Please sign your donor card. Please make sure your family knows your wishes and doesn't over ride you when you are not around. sigh

3. There are no religious objections by ANY faith to organ donation. In fact it is seen by ALMOST ALL faiths as a highest order of giving a gift. The gift of life. Please see no. 2.

4. I am signing the few Christmas cards I am sending from Marie, Rebel and RebelTweeny. SU wanted a separation. He is getting the full force meaning this year.

5. I am sending a "congratulations on your engagement" flower arrangement to the SU's party friend who is hosting a Sexy Santa engagement party. The card will say, "sorry I can't attend but the three of us wish you both many years of happiness as you take the plunge." See no. 4

6. I told Rebel to ask her dad for money to buy me the Christmas present I want and to make it from both herself and her sister. She thinks this is a good idea because... see no. 7

7. I bought the SU's gift from the girls. grudgingly but for the right reasons. He'd damn well better use it!

8. Rebel lost her wallet It had $70 in it, her Health card, student card, bus tickets, hospital card, heart pace maker card and a bunch of photos she loved. She loved her wallet too. "My first grown up wallet, I love that wallet." The kid can't get a break.

9. Rebel's BF has nearly completed his Christmas house lights masterpiece. My goodness we've NEVER had lights like this. Two story extravaganza!

10. We have had more snow this year already than we had all last winter.

11. I am going to the Metropolitan Opera on Saturday afternoon via satellite at the local movie theatre. Romeo and Juliet!

12. It's nuts & bolts and anti pasto making weekend! Low sodium versions. That should be fun!

13. I just want us all to be healthy, really healthy and happy. Nothing else really matters does it?


Rudy said...

1. Gah! teens
2.& 3. done and done
4. been there, awkward at the first few cards, liberating by the finish.
6. Definitely!
7. good show, fair play
8. super bummer. I hope when that break shows up it is grand. I am praying for it daily.
9. Good young man she has there. Pictures please.
10. up until 2 days ago I was worried about a green Christmas.
11. sounds like fun!
12. nuts and bolts? do tell.
13. nothing else matters. The rest is just stuff as I was once told by a very wise woman ;-)

Calories and Coffee said...

I've been a huge proponent of organ donation since my early teens.

I hope she gets her wallet back!

Anonymous said...


#8, I hope that the wallet was lost and not stolen....hopefully it is at Tim's somewhere, or in her room...???

#9 So that is what I see glowing from afar.....Griswold's rule!!!!

#11 Oh enjoy, live from the Met, I'll be listening to CBC on Saturday (always do)....enjoy!!!!

#12 YUMMMY, you make the best antipasto!!! (so does my sister, did I say that outloud?)

#2 mmmm, I've been back and forth on this subject for thirty years. We donated organs etc from Mom when she passed away....received very nice thank you's from several families....

For awhile, I had taken out of my wallet the donar card....with the attitude of we are given a shelf life from above....however, I'm now back to rethinking the gift of life. Since I am basically on my own, I'm considering willing my body to science....I'll let you know how my inner debate goes....

In the mean time, yes, #13 for all of us........


Anonymous said...

Rudy... send me your address via our mutual friend and you too.. can have Marie's secret nuts&bolts recipe.
Lily - jar of anti pasto on reserve for you! (-:

Blondie... watch the mail all canadian box arriving in the next couple of weeks.

As soon as I figure night setting on camera... I'll probably get some photos of the house at night! lol

I LOVE Christmas.
