Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Gotta Love a Good Barracuda!

In the category of wearing my "big girl panties" Here's the response my barracuda sent the SU in reply to the letter I received earlier this week.( See Tuesday Trouble) Gotta love a good barracuda!

I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated the 14th December, 2008.
My client is frankly baffled by its contents. She advises that she has not been contacted by your client at all to arrange a time to meet with the mediator. She has certainly not refused to attend and she does not believe it makes economic sense to have the lawyers present during the mediation.
My client remains willing to attend mediation. Your client should contact the mediator and obtain some available dates and then speak to my client.


This girl feels pretty good in her big girl panties!


Anonymous said...

Fabulous response from your Baracuda. I love it!

Think the SU will *get* it? Doubtful.
Fucktard that he is and all.

~ b

Rudy said...

too many multisyllabic words. His 'cuda will have to translate for him LOL

let's see - how about
quit lying, get some dates, ask her to meet.

Yeah, that should do it. fucktard.

Anonymous said...

oh... Mr SU LOVES three syllable words It proves his self worth. However Rudy, the sentiment is accurate.
yeah.. let's get it going.. more on that at a later date...