Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tuesday Trouble!

Why is it that I always see the email from my lawyer's office when I am about to go do something fun, and instead I stress about the NEXT thing the SU wants out of my life. This was a dandy. Apparently, I have refused to meet with the mediator. The SU's lawyer has suggested a love fest of his lawyer, my barracuda, the mediator the SU and me - all in a room together! WTF?!?! Yeah... let's pay THREE lawyers for their time on this separation.


I sent back the Barracuda a note and told her, no,I have not refused any meetings. There have been no meetings to refuse. I have not been asked to attend any mediation sessions and really, is the week before Christmas the time to be doing this? I told her to tell the SU's lawyer that they are BOTH delusional and their fantasy meetings really are not going to get very far. If they want me at meetings, they have to plan them and invite me to attend.

This is SU's idea. His separation, his divorce. He wants meetings with lawyers and mediators, he can plan them. if it suits me, I'll be there. If it doesn't he can keep asking me til I find a time that works. I am no longer 'the wife." I don't have to organize him, plan him, or make his phone alls. It's all up to him now.

We can see how well it's working for him already.

THREE Lawyers, count 'em!
THREE in a room.
I roll my eyes and wonder where in God's name this man left his intelligence!

Leave me the hell alone you fucking fucktard. ( I LOVE that word and have shared it with many. Thank the girl, Blondie!)

A week before Christmas and he is wondering why there are no mediation sessions scheduled.

I gotta go make shortbread.


Rudy said...

What?!? You didn't get the engraved invitation? Darn postal service. Sleet and snow my arse. LOL

Maybe it was disguised as a Christmas card and was in fine print on the back. LOL

Weren't they running correspondence through your barracuda? Even if she wasn't to attend I would think a note for the records would be sent her way.

and mmmm shortbread.

Hang in there M, we are praying for you.

Anonymous said...

thanks Rudy.
I just have to shake my head.
Yes. I EXPECT an engraved invitation to start the separation, and I'll tell you.. they will be sent out for a HUGE party when this is all done!

I am not standing in the way or being obstreperous but really now!
My mind reading skills are just a tad rusty.

Running to the post office to mail gifts before deadline time!

Anonymous said...

What? Seriously? You can't read minds???? Preposterous! It's an Outrage!

GAH! SU is such a fucktard! Remember that island we dreamed of years ago where we were going to send all our idiot spouses? Too bad thats not a reality, eh?

He absolutely disgusts me bringing this up a week before Christmas. WHAT is he trying to do to his children??? Oh. Never mind. I forgot. This is ALL about him, isn't it?

GAH! Ask me how I really feel. {heh heh}

I need a drink. Join me?

~ b

Rudy said...

Tis the season I guess

Z pulled out of the house two weeks before Christmas too remember blondie?

Anonymous said...

drinks? did someone say drinks? It has to be a quick night cap. I am heading that way! night night all!
nice balloon glass of brandy please... heated even (-: