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Hour by Hour Vigil
Today... more procedures. Rebel had a ventricular assist device put in to take the pressure off her heart and pump her blood. The thoratec device I mentioned yesterday. When they were done they could see that the other ventricle was not working as well so they added another device to help with that. She is the first person in Eastern Canada to have this new device. They had an army of people around her. There were back ups for the back ups.
Because her body has been through so much stress and these devices are having to get her stabilized Rebel has to be taken off the transplant list temporarily. As soon as her body has a rest and is stabilized she will be back on the list either stage 3.5 or stage 4. She is heavily sedated and not aware of anything at this point.
Her blood is quite thin so there is some concern with bleeding. This is common with this kind of procedure. She is recovering in the operating room and tomorrow if all goes well she'll be moved back to recovery. They are starting to wean her off many of the drugs and meds she is on for blood pressure and a raft of other issues.
One of the med team, the Chief Perfusionist, had to drive in from the country this morning and was stuck in a major traffic jam on the highway - not moving at all! She called the provincial highway police and asked for an urgent police escort to get out of the jam and to the hospital. She said it was the first time she had ever had to do this in her 26 year career.
Rebel is going to love these stories. All the attention. Something our princess does enjoy!
And thank you again, everyone for your prayers, your notes It is all appreciated.
We hope you all have a healthy and Merry Christmas.
M....I wish I was there to hold and hug you myself...this is the best I can do. I thought of you while I was in church tonight, thinking how hard this Christmas Eve must be for you. And the message from one of the ministers jumped out at me: Do Not Be Afraid.
Followed by....easy for HIM to say!
Merry Christmas...
Merry Christmas, M. I hope you and RT (and even SU) have a nice day. Give Rebel a kiss for me.
Merry Christmas, Marie.
Wishing you a day filled with hope and peace. Give our princess a kiss for me. and a hug to the RT.
love, hugs and prayers,
~ blondie
Merry Christmas. If there's any way I can help (yup, long distance help) just let me know.
We're all still praying :)
thank you friends. She is holding her own... every little prayer is a good prayer. thank you. Merry Christmas and peace in your world.
Merry Christmas M
you are all in my prayers.
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