Thursday, December 06, 2007

Thursday Thirteen {or is it Friday}

13 Things for Friday which isn't a 13th

1. Drive Rebel to school.
2. Meet with the Handy Man Hotline guy. Hope he's a hot handyman. Did I say that out loud?!?
3. Meet with a window guy about the windows. See hope in #2 Though he already loses marks when he complained about coming over on a Friday
4. Pick up the two MP3s from Best Buy.
5. Pick up Rebel from school.
6. Send more photos to COSTCO LAB for scrap booking session.
7. Finish letters for conference in January.
8. Menu plan for next week.
9. Return the overdue library books and DVDs.
10. Pick up some of that Smirnoff Mojito mix for the girls evening during Christmas Lily... you listening?
11. Pick up some of that Smirnoff Cosmopolitan mix for girls evening. Lily see no 10.
12. Drop off deposit to scrap booking consultant for Scrap and Spa weekend in February.
13. Go downtown and get the damn fur coat out of storage before freezing to death!


Anonymous said...

LOL, LMAO.....

I hear you, loud and soon as you get as far as Smir.....I'm listening.....hahaha

Let me know about the hot handyman!

MMMMMM, a hot handyman in a fur coat bearing Smirnoff......ahhhh my mind drifts away........


Rudy said...

2. Meet with the Handy Man Hotline guy. Hope he's a hot handyman. Did I say that out loud?!?

I saw a movie like that once. ;-)

3. Meet with a window guy about the windows. See hope in #2

... or twice ;-)

MMMMMM, a hot handyman in a fur coat bearing Smirnoff......ahhhh my mind drifts away........

okay, okay, I have seen a couple of them....


Anonymous said...

just spewed my decaf all over the screen. The girls in the office are wondering what my problem is! ROFL!!!!!

geez and The blonde hasn't even been here yet!

will keep you posted on the Hot Handyman

Anonymous said...

*insert cheesy porno music here*

M opens the door to the hot handyman wearing the fur coat. She gasps and in a low whisper says "Is that Smirnoff or are you just happy to see me???"

*cheesy porno music off*


I kill me!

~ b

Rudy said...

boom chicka wow wow


Anonymous said...

you kill me too Blondie... ROFL!!!!